Pauline AUTIN TEMO x TIWAL: a support for your TEMO·450 on your inflatable sailboat TEMO and Tiwal, the electric and the practical, the ecological and the dynamic, the portable motor and the pocket sailboat. To accommodate the TEMO·450, Tiwal has developed a specific support for its ... #EN #TEMO 24 Sep 2024 News
Lucie BAHUAUD NEWS: New edition carbon version of the TEMO·450 portable electric engine. Building on the commercial success of the TEMO·450, TEMO now offers a premium version of its engine, in carbon. The TEMO·450 Carbon comes as a range extension of electric engines offered by the French... #EN #TEMO Communiqué 24 Sep 2024 Press section
Thibaut Coutansais Watts, watt-hours, amps, amp-hours, volts - what do they all mean?? Today we’re going to navigate through the intricacies of Watts , watt-hours , amperes , amp-hours and volts . Hang on to your seats, we’re going to explain everything in detail so you can be an expert... #EN #TEMO 24 Sep 2024 Tests and tutorials
Thibaut Coutansais Is the TEMO electric dinghy motor the right one for me ? Le TEMO·450 est un moteur hors-bord électrique pour annexe et voile légère. Dans cet article, nous allons définir les limites d’utilisation et la compatibilité avec plusieurs types d’embarcations. Ten... #EN #TEMO #blog 24 Sep 2024 Tests and tutorials
Antoine GUILBAUD TEMO Tuto Utilisation : Adaptability Kayak / Canoe Our TEMO·450 model is primarily designed for dinghies and small boats. But what about kayaks and canoes? Check out TEMO's tips and tricks on the subject. Advantages of the TEMO electric motor To begin... #EN #TEMO #blog 24 Sep 2024 Tests and tutorials
Justine PERUSSEL From idea to product : The industrial process De l'idée au produit TEMO- #3 : The industrial process TEMO is an electro-portable propellor for small watercraft that was born in the mind of its designer in May 2018. After developing the design and... #EN #TEMO 24 Sep 2024 TEMO's life
Justine PERUSSEL TEMO, the innovative technology TEMO, the innovative technology We're often asked how we managed to put that much power into such a light, small and stylish product. While we can't disclose all of our secrets, we'll share with you t... #EN #TEMO 24 Sep 2024 TEMO's life
Antoine GUILBAUD The 10 must-do activities on a boat La mer, le soleil, la plage… Que de bonnes raisons pour passer un bon moment. Trouver des activités pour toute la famille peut être parfois quelque peu sportif. Différents âges et centres d’intérêts, ... #TEMO #blog 25 May 2023 Tests and tutorials
Clémence Vollaire 8 steps to a successful anchorage The calm, the view, the soft sound of the water on the hull and that unique feeling of being alone in the world: spending a night at anchor is one of the highlights of a cruise! But how do you make su... #ES #TEMO #blog 21 Jul 2022 Tests and tutorials
Clémence Vollaire Why go electric in boating? TEMO electric motors are designed to make boating a pleasure. And it’s worth it: They are easy to handle, powerful and safe electric boat motors. Better for the environment, they are also better for t... #DE #EN #ES #TEMO #blog 11 May 2022 Tests and tutorials
Clémence Vollaire Collaborative sites: focus on boat rental between privates Louer son bateau via une plateforme collaborative : un bon moyen pour faire des économies quand on est propriétaire. En quelques clics ces sites permettent aux propriétaires de mieux rentabiliser leu... #ES #TEMO #blog 29 Jul 2021 Tests and tutorials
Thibaut Coutansais perso 1 TEMO, a committed and award-winning company in France Relance Appel à projet : La start-up française TEMO fait partie des 134 entreprises retenues par l’appel à projet qui récompense des produits ou des solutions innovantes engagés dans une démarche de transitio... #ES #TEMO Communiqué 26 May 2021 Press section