Is the TEMO electric dinghy motor the right one for me ?

24 September 2024 by
Is the TEMO electric dinghy motor the right one for me ?
Thibaut Coutansais
Le TEMO·450 est un moteur hors-bord électrique pour annexe et voile légère. Dans cet article, nous allons définir les limites d’utilisation et la compatibilité avec plusieurs types d’embarcations.


Boat tenders are the main target market for our electric sculling oar. Designed primarily for this use, this electric dinghy motor is the ideal companion for short trips. Suitable for dinghies (Houat video) up to about 2.60 m in length for 2 to 3 people carrying some equipment, it will make your life easier. Ashore, you can transport it using the carrying bag or secure it with the anti-theft handcuffs. Not bad, eh ?

Other types of boat

Our electric dinghy motor is suitable for several types of boats thanks to its rowlock attachment. It can be adapted for small sailing dinghies. We recommend for a boat in the range of 500 kg laden weight being used in good conditions.

It is important that the transom is not too high (>40cm). For optimum performance, the angle of attack of the motor should be a maximum of 30°. For example, going up onto the beach if you get caught out in a squall, or for manoeuvres in port, this electric dinghy motor would be quite suitable. Its more powerful big brother (TEMO·1000) is currently available for pre-sale orders in France. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about your choice of power.

Lastly, the TEMO·450 can be used on canoes or kayaks. You are strongly recommended to have a rudder to maintain manoeuvrability on the water. It is not recommended for use with paddleboards, as there is no suitable attachment system.

Weather conditions

This electric tender motor will propel boats at a hull speed of 3 knots. If heading into a current of less than 2.5 knots maximum, the 450 version is suitable. Wind and sea state must also be taken into account. You can find a video on this here.

In general, anything you do with a 2 HP internal combustion outboard, or rowing or sculling, our boat motor will do for you.

So there you are. Hopefully you’ve got a clearer picture! And just so our portable
electric motor holds no more secrets for you, take a look at all our other articles.

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Is the TEMO electric dinghy motor the right one for me ?
Thibaut Coutansais 24 September 2024
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